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2008,2009, 2010年雅思G类作文题目汇总

2011-09-05 来源: 海外东方学院 评论0条

Task 1 Write to a local newspaper, about a competition "best neighbor in the area", nominate your neighbor to the competition winner.
Task 2 Radio is more enjoyable and practical than television. Discuss your view.

Task 1 A manager from a new company offers you a position, write a letter to say you can't take the offer and recommend your friend. 
Task 2 Discuss whether preschool children should go to nursery school or stay at home. Discuss both sides and Give you own opinion.

Task2 Nowadays, more and more companies ask their staff to wear uniforms. What’s your view upon this and what’s the shortage of such practice?

Task 1 You asked people to repair the house but they didn’t do a good job. Write a letter for complaint. You should describe the contents of that reparation, why you are not satisfied with the result and what your preferred solutions are.
Task 2 Many people take their family together with them when they work overseas, present disadvantages and advantages.

Task 1 you are doing some course, but you have to give it up for some reason, please write a letter to tell the teacher. 
1) The details of your course
2) Why you give it up 
3) What’s your future plan
Task 2 Parent, usually mothers, give up work, choose to stay home and look after families. Some people think the government should give them salary, others disagree. Do you agree or disagree. Give the reasons from your own knowledge and experience.

Task 1 Write a suggestion letter to advise your friend to import a new product from oversea.
Task 2 Who can learn a foreign language better: young people or others? Discuss both sides. 

Task 1 You are working in an English speaking country. There is a person living near you, who can offer lessons. Write a letter to that person to say:
1) How did you know about the lessons
2) The time and location you want to have the lesson. 
Task 2 A survey shows that the certain occupation and profession are believed to be more honest. What is the situation in your own country? Why do you believe in this?

Task 1 You have recently bought a item of clothing in another town, but found some problems with it after you returned home, write a letter to the manager and say what happened, what are the problems, and what you would like them to do. 
Task 2 Travel from and to work is becoming more difficult. One solution is that employers should allow employees to work at home. Do you agree that the advantages are more than disadvantages?

Task 1 An English speaking friend’s son wrote to you that his/her son would travel to your country for a short holiday before starting his university. Write a letter to the friend to
1) Invite his/her son to visit you;
2) Suggest what kind of interesting things that his/her son can do in your country;
3) Talk about the weather in your country.
Task 2 Many people more prefer self-employed. Some people like work for a company or institutes. Discuss both of views, and give your idea.

Task 1 You attend a course which you are quite satisfied with. Write a letter to the leader of the college to tell them why you think the course is good and what kind of help you have got from that.
Task 2 Lots of work which used to be done at home by people could be finished by machine. Has this development brought advantage more than disadvantage? Discuss.

Task 1 You are in an English-speaking Country. A local college was holding a short talk on international day. Write a letter to the principal.
1)  Tell him what topic are you going to talk about?
2)   Why you think they will be interested in your topic?
3)   Arrange a time 
Task 2 Doctors said in many countries there are not enough physical exercises.
1)  What cause that problem?
2)  What should be done for that?

Task 1 Write a letter to show your appreciation for the help you get from an airport staff. You should write what problem it is and how the staff helped you to solve it.
Task 2 Radio, Television, Internet, and Newspaper, which one of the four makes the most significant influence to human’s social activities. Present your reasons and examples

Task 1 Your English-speaking friend recently had a baby; you have a present for her. Write a letter 
1) explain why you chose the present 
2) describe the present 
3) suggest a possible time to visit your friend and give her the present
Task2 There are many old cities in the world that have been rebuilt or redesigned in order to modernize cities. Discuss both advantages and disadvantages of the issue.

Task 1 Your photography gets the first prize and will be exhibited. Write an invitation letter to your friends. You should describe the award and the photo, and invite your friends to that exhibition.
Task 2 Why lots of people spit and throw rubbish in the lake, mountain and on the beach? Present the examples to talk about the environmental issues and the possible solutions.

Task 1 Write a letter to introduce a part-time job to a friend. Explain why this job is suitable for him/her and how to apply for this job.
Task 2 Nowadays, there are more and more old people. Analyze the reasons and the benefits.

Task 1 You come back home from travel but find an item of clothing was left in the hotel. You write a letter to the manager of the hotel for this matter. You should  
1)describe the item of clothing
2)point which place it would be.
3)tell the manager what you want him/her to do if find out the item of clothing.
Task 2 Nowadays many people work longer time and got more stressful jobs than ever before. What causes this? How can employees make the worker's lives easier? Give your reasons and solutions with some relevant experience and knowledge you have.

Task 1 You want to work abroad. Write a letter to an agency to introduce yourself.
Task 2 Some people say that cars should be banned from the centers of cities, do you agree or disagree?

Task 1 Write a letter to the landlord to complain about something broken
Task 2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages about the Internet.

Task 1 There is a new company inviting applications for vacancies. Write an application letter. you should:
(1) explain why you are writing the letter
(2) list your capabilities and qualifications.
(3) point out what time you are available
Task 2 In 21st centuries, wild animals should live in man-made environment such as zoos. Do you agree or disagree, give the reasons.

Task 1 Write a letter to a friend in western countries. You should:
(1) explain why you are happy when get together with him
(2) ask for a photo and give the reasons
(3) describe what kind of photo do you need
Task 2 Some people say parents should control the behavior of children from a very young age while others argue that parents should give children the freedom. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Task1 You just came back from a friend’s place in a foreign country. Write a letter to the friend to invite him/her to come to your place and give thanks to his/her 
Task2 Some people say television contributes more than other inventions to improve the quality of people’s life. What do you think and why?

Task 1 Local council asks you to write a letter about how to improve local facilities of tourism. write a letter back and: 
(1) Describe present facilities 
(2) Benefit from tourism 
(3) Your suggestions.
Task 2 Today, there is less communication between family members than that was in the past. Do you agree or disagree?

Task 1 You will go out for holiday. Write to a friend to ask him/her to take care of your place. You should tell him:
(1) about your period of holiday
(2) where is the key
(3) what things you want her to do for you
Task 2 What are the teenagers’ problems? How could schools and parents do to solve these problems!

Task 1 You won a competition and were given two free film tickets. Write a letter to invite one of your friends to go with you. 
Task 2 Local shops have been replaced by supermarkets. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

2009 年移民类雅思作文题目汇总

Task1: you have to take a business trip and you ask a friends take care of yours children,
tell them your children food , like or dislike, what sort of activities they like
the arranges you will manage
Task2: Many people think having enough money brings happiness butothers think too much money can bring problems. do you agree ordisagree?

Task1: You bought some pieces of furniture in another city, and found there are many problems
when received them. Write a letter to the furniture company: 1 Describewhat you bought; what are the problems of these furniture;3what do wantthe company to do
Task 2: Nowadays, the young people are less polite than they were before. What are the causes
and how to solve this problem?

Task1: You have to leave from a part-time job in an English-speakingcountry. Write a letter to you employer and explain: why will youleave, when will you leave, and what do you like about this job?
Task 2: Some people insist that the students must wear uniforms and others are against it. What’s your opinion?

Task 1 Write a letter to a friend, describe the problems in the kitchen and ask him/her how to fix
Task 2 Some people think that children who begin school at 7 woulddevelop good relationship with parents than 4 years old. What are theadvantages and disadvantages to start school at 4 years old?

Task 1 You organized a 90th birthday party for your relative at a localhotel. It was very successful. Write a letter to the hotel manager toshow thanks,1) include some details of the party 2) why it was sosuccessful for the elderly people 3) Special thanks to a certain staffat the hotel
Task 2 Some people think the competitive sport play a very importantrole in children's education. Others think that the competitive sporthas negative effects on children's education. Discuss.

Task 1 You heard that there's a group of people doing unpaid workhelping old people in the local community. Write a letter addressing
1. how you heard about the group
2. the importance of their work
3. give details of what you can do to help
Task 2 In many countries, the cost of air flight is dropping down. Doyou think it is a positive development or a negative development?

Task 1
A company offers a temporary job but no salary, but it helps you togain some work experience, please send a letter and express yourwillingness, introduce your work experience, and which department youwant to work, what expectation you have from the job.
Task 2
Some people argue that young people are spending too much time onwatching TV, what do you think of it ? and what kinds of activitiesshould be encouraged to them?

Task 1 Write a letter to the manager of a hotel to organize anactivity, tell him about your plan of the activity and what equipmentdo you need?
Task 2 whether should women to be police officer?

Task 1 Write a letter to your friend and counsel about the business management or music。
1)explain how you feel when you receive her letter
2) explain the benefits of both subjects 3) give your suggestion
Task 2 In some countries home cooking is a disappearing skill. 1.Discuss the situation in your country, 2. Do you agree that all youngchildren should been taught home cooking in school?

Task 1
You recently plan a tour and left important thing on a plane. Write aletter to the airline company about: what did you lose and when did youlose it.
Task 2
Some country schools are open and late in formal lessons; children arelooked after when parents are at works. What are the advantages anddisadvantages?

Task 1 You are a member of a sports club which is located in an oldbuilding, the manager of the club asked the member to give somesuggestions to improvement of the building. 1) why the club isimportant for you, 2) what your suggestion are, 3) what are the benefits
Task 2 Now the traditions and customs of the food we eat and the way weeat it are changing, what is the way they change, and what do you thinkof the change.

Task 1
Write an application letter to the Health center to apply for thevacancy of taking care of the elderly people. In your letter, youshould include the following points: 1. why did you apply for this job;2. your relevant experience; 3. your plan of how to do the job and timearrangement.
Task 2
Some people think that current international travel is on a decreasing trend. Is it positive or negative?

Task 1:
The council decided to close a children’s playground because not manychildren are using it. Write a letter to the council about:
1.why children do not use it too much
2.why the playground is very important
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