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《全面战争:三国》Steam上架游戏原声带 定价45元

2022-05-25 来源: 游迅网 原文链接 评论0条


《全面战争:三国》Steam上架游戏原声带 定价45元 - 1



1.Total War: Three Kingdoms(R Beddow)  3:18

2. The Guiding Path(R Birdsall)  2:04

3.Tensity  (TW)2:08

4.United Must Divide(SR)  2:15

5.Pieces In Place(R Beddow)  0:58

6.The Unknown(R Beddow)  2:17

7.A Familiar Mourning(R Birdsall)  2:14

8.Purpose Found(R Beddow)  2:04

9.Uncompromising Strength(TW)  0:48

10.Soaring Dragons(R Birdsall)  2:37

11.A Defiant End(SR)  0:57

12. Resolute Sorrow(R Beddow)  2:02

13.Bleeding Earth(SR)  2:24

14.Heaven Awaits(SR)  2:13

15.Dancing Blossoms(R Beddow)  2:25

16.Rising Fire (TW)  2:09

17.Patient Wind(SR)  2:18

18.The Promise of Tomorrow(R Birdsall)  1:55

19.Destiny(R Beddow)  1:32

20.Sealed By Fate(R Birdsall)  4:03

21.Solemnity(R Beddow)  2:18

22.The Tortoise Lives Long(R Beddow)  2:23

23.Ashes At The Last(TW)  0:52

24.Prowling Tiger(R Beddow)  2:22

25.An Age Of Heroes(TW)  2:11

26.History's Long Shadow(TW)  2:21

27.Fortunes From Above(SR)  2:17

28.The Looming Storm(SR)2:40

29.The Mandate of Heaven(R Beddow)  3:01

30.A Tyrant Undone(SR)  0:37

31.Diplomacy Has Failed(TW)  2:10

32.The Long Journey(R Birdsall)  2:09

33.Tales of Long Ago(SR)  2:09

34.The Blade's Edge(TW)  2:14

35.A Show of Force(SR)  2:11

36.At An Impasse(SR)  2:12

37.Opposing Forces(R Birdsall)  2:03

38.Mighty Warriors(SR)  2:09

39.Ever-Flowing Rivers (R Birdsall)  1:46

40.A Deep Conflict (SR)  2:26

41.The Righteous Path (SR, TW)  3:16

42.Resolving Nations (SR)  2:09

43.A Noble Gesture (TW)  2:20

44.The Great War (TW)  2:05

45.Divided Empire (TW)  2:14

46.A Hero's Heart (R Birdsall)  2:10

47.Oaths of Truth (R Beddow)  3:29

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