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中国英语冠军在马里兰毕业礼上的演讲 炸裂全场(视频/组图)

2018-05-27 来源: 中国雅思 原文链接 评论12条


现场观众评论这个鼓舞人心的演讲“broughtthe housedown”(炸裂全场),在“空气甜”的闹剧一年之后,终于有中国人在同样的场合,给祖国争回了一口气!








中国英语冠军在马里兰毕业礼上的演讲 炸裂全场(视频/组图) - 1










中国英语冠军在马里兰毕业礼上的演讲 炸裂全场(视频/组图) - 2







Dean, faculty /and staff,/ proud parents /and above all /graduateMS /and PhD students /of class 2018, /congratulations!// This/ isyour day!///

Before/ thanking UMD /and the Smith School,/ I want to be honest/about /one thing: I always have/ random questions/ in my mind.//For example/ ‘If anything is possible;/ is it possible forsomething /to be impossible?’ //I don’t normally ask for answers./But there was/ another question /I had /the first day/ I learnedabout UMD: why// is our mascot/ is a turtle?// Many other schools/pick fierce and mighty animals or figures: //Princeton has atiger,/ Uchi has a Phoenix,/ and Duke/ has the ‘blue devil’. //Thisquestion /was not solved/ until I came to UMD /and met the peoplehere. ///

中国英语冠军在马里兰毕业礼上的演讲 炸裂全场(视频/组图) - 3

My first several months/ in Maryland/ were a sheer nightmare.//Fresh off the boat, /I had no friends here./ I didn’t know how todrive /so I could only lock myself /in my room. / I started/ tohave a hair loss issue/ due to academic pressure/ since I had tospent 3 hours/ figuring out the most basic concept!// I eventhought of /running a model/ to predict /in which year I would loseall of my hair.// But ironically,/ I didn’t know how/-- due to mylack of skill/ in coding./ Worst of all,/ I attached t/his label tomyself:/ a slow learner /and an underachiever./ Just /like aturtle/-- slow, /obscure /and definitely not the smartest.///

It was Professor Zhang/ at the Smith School /who helped me realizethat/ the way to success/ is never easy. /She told me that /she hadbeen there. /Under unimaginable pressure/ during here PhD life/ inHarvard,/ she had to get up at 4 every morning /and every singleday/ she doubted her ability, /her choice /and her future. /But shedecided to accept the challenge/ and move forward /step by step.Eventually /she became the Wonder Woman /in the field ofstatistics/ and inspires hundreds of students /like me. /Just/ likea turtle/ with a tough shell,/ bearing all the pressure andhardships,/ still moves forward.///

中国英语冠军在马里兰毕业礼上的演讲 炸裂全场(视频/组图) - 4

Then I learned more /from my classmates. //Some/ pulled anall-nighter /on a daily basis/ due to irrelevant academicbackground,/ some /were also taking the MBA program/ while pursuinga master’s degree,/ some /were already married/ and had mouths tofeed/ and diapers to change. //But none of them /raised the whiteflag/ easily. / Now, /many of them /earned excellent grades/ andhave already found satisfying jobs./ Just like turtles,/ when thechaos of life /surrounds them,/ they still know theirdirections.///

This experience/ made realize/ what we are all made of. /When pushcomes to shove,/ when the rubber meets the road,/ when the chipsare down,/ I realized what lies/ at the very core/ of every person/in UMD.///

中国英语冠军在马里兰毕业礼上的演讲 炸裂全场(视频/组图) - 5

We /are all turtles. //We know life/ is not a sprint/, is not evena marathon./ Life/ is a triathlon.// We know/ we might be not assuper talented /as the lucky ones,/ but we don’t belittleourselves.// We might start things slow /and be constantlydiscouraged by setbacks, //but we know/ we choose to do things /notbecause they are easy,/ but because they are hard.// We might notbe the first ones /crossing the finishing line/, but we are surelythe ones/ knowing where we are going /and why.///

This// is the Terrapin spirit,/ which could be interpreted by these3 amazing letters /that I will never forget//: UMD, that is/ U Mustbe Determined.///

中国英语冠军在马里兰毕业礼上的演讲 炸裂全场(视频/组图) - 6

Terps, /The steps you are taking today /might seem small, /butsomeday /you will see the big picture,/ as long as you are movingforward/ fearlessly, no matter fast /or slow. //And pleaseremember,/ UMD and the Smith/ will always be there for you.///

今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
傻傻傻小V 2018-05-27 回复
張某某小姐 2018-05-27 回复
抹茶控的水瓶 2018-05-27 回复
年轻人,不错, 有朝气,前途无量!
Anni彭爷 2018-05-27 回复
宝宝Miyako 2018-05-27 回复

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