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2018-06-02 来源: RealEstate 原文链接 评论27条

【今日澳洲6月2日讯】虽然靠近市中心,但Redfern却是一个奇怪的存在,在很多人的印象里,Redfern总是与暴力、色情、毒品挂钩。今天,Redfern一家前妓院拍卖,拍卖现场却十分冷清,最终,一位Castle Cove亚裔爸爸以132万澳元拿下。

悉尼Redfern妓院拍卖现场太冷清,中介急得跺脚!亚裔夫妻一报价,卖家差点气晕!(组图) - 1


据RealEstate网站报道,这套五居室双层独立屋位于George St 124号,楼上共有两间卧室,卫生间配有水疗浴缸,最初上市价格为140万澳元。以往这里曾是风月场所,车水马龙,但今天,只有两个竞争者参与拍卖,其中一个最高只愿意出120万澳元。

悉尼Redfern妓院拍卖现场太冷清,中介急得跺脚!亚裔夫妻一报价,卖家差点气晕!(组图) - 2

悉尼Redfern妓院拍卖现场太冷清,中介急得跺脚!亚裔夫妻一报价,卖家差点气晕!(组图) - 3



悉尼Redfern妓院拍卖现场太冷清,中介急得跺脚!亚裔夫妻一报价,卖家差点气晕!(组图) - 4



关键词: 亚裔买房妓院
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
深88 2018-08-30 回复
土澳居民o0Nhn 2018-06-02 回复
Makubex 2018-06-02 回复
After the renovation work is done and few years past on, those who now enjoyed laughing at the winning bidder who just bought this filthy property in one of the most crime-ridden suburbs in Sydney CBD areas, would most likely regret on their comments of this investment, as they would have learnt that housing price in Syd again is skyrocketing to a new record due to city redevelopment schemes, shortage of developable land sites, and ever-increasing population, etc. Meanwhile, the winning bidder of the said property would probably enjoy a few laughters with their kids and friends as their then decision of buying the property was a wise one.
Makubex 2018-06-04
Hey u know what I think u can be my English teacher or something as u have pinpointed a few mistakes in my comment here of the new article. U seem to know a lot about the language and its correct way of use. Would u be interested in a tutoring job of teaching someone like me? What’s your hour rate for teaching English? Please leave your personal detail here if this sounds great! Your Admirer.
Makubex 2018-06-04
Oh this is how Mr. Creepyboy playing God here on the net - u u u look so crappy in that dress and thus must come from a peasant family.
Makubex 2018-06-04
Mr. Creepyboy, I’m still awaiting your response on the question I posted here. Why do u know so much about me than i ever do myself. Have u been creepily stalking on people, mostly pretty innocent-looking girls, and me (that’s not cool) on the net? That’s one sick-minded butthead Mr. Creepyboy.
Dylan2017 2018-06-02 回复
还会差钱继续用那个妓女嫖客都用过的浴缸吗 小编真是不怕性病吗
只是传说 2018-06-02 回复

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