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2018-07-04 来源: 今日澳洲 评论12条
关键词: 华人恶性事件
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
DY 2018-07-03 回复
Sunaem 2018-07-03
Vickycxt 2018-07-04 回复
我以前在卧龙岗带过四年,治安没法比,抢劫要钱偷盗都遇到过,学校老师当时还把所有国际学生挂掉,当时也是联名上书,人家也不管,闹了很久。一毕业果断走了,来悉尼之后觉得 一个天上一个地下
cuiF_Chen 2018-07-03 回复
Sunaem 2018-07-03 回复
W Council 覆盖面积很大,北部地区从Helensburgh到North Wollongong发展很好很漂亮有山有海,不幸从Wollongong 开始沦落一路差下去, 到Port Kembla 更为不堪,自从钢铁厂缩小规模,失业率高民众文化生活无聊。很多男同聚集的公厕,有些公园和路上满是针筒避孕套,市政议员参与搞出钟公司用雏妓。这一切的沦落,让人感到不堪。但请不要把这个地区来代表全澳州
Sunaem 2018-07-03
双鱼公主 2018-07-03
本来还想去wollonggong 找间餐馆做,但是现在看来,怕怕
Sunaem 2018-07-03 回复
这个不是针对华人的。当地治安的恶劣是本地人都厌恶的。地区报Illawarra Mercury 上都是恶性案件。大家在悉尼的不关注罢了。那个地方充满匪气像入了匪帮,Albion Park被全澳投票最乡巴佬第一名。The most bogan suburb. 还有摩托党总部也在那里。有无数瘾君子,白领也成为毒君子。 很多南欧移民,希腊马其顿意大利,时有年轻人欠毒资被枪杀在父母house前院。很可怕的。强烈建议north Wollongong 以南地方一概不要定居。一个地方的业报,气场坏了,不是警方或政府可以搞好的
丹琳小李子 2018-07-03 回复
Sunaem 2018-07-03 回复
Phillip Haines 2 /5Nov 20, 2017 \"People must have lost the plot.... it\'s a dump\" I grew up in Wollongong and do not understand why it\'s so expensive now there is no jobs there loads of unemployed. Yea beautiful beaches but it\'s no tourist attraction, I\'d love to make a video of the real wollongong, Ugly looking steel works polluting the sea, Ugly run down houses that are far to expensive and far to over valued, full of junkies and drug addicts, alot of run down areas, prostitutes down main streets at night, junkies in kids parks by day hiding needles. Heck even professional workers snort lines of coke in their offices, in their construction building toilets at bbqs. The place is a hole . Full of scummy people why it\'s so expensive i have no idea, it\'s an unsafe area with loads of crime, drugs and gang members. That\'s the truth behind it. Some people are obviously blind or have not looked at wollongong to well. It\'s a dump. The people saying its beautiful and affordable and safe hahaha you must be walking around with rose petal glasses or are totally blinded or lost the plot. 看看当地鬼子老土地是怎么评论的吧。homely.com.au
陈乙萱 2018-07-03 回复
啊思土啦 2018-07-04 回复

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