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HSC2018 - 状元的诞生

2018-12-13 来源: 腔调阿朱patrickzhu 原文链接 评论0条


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在NESA(NSW Education Standards Authority)的网站上,状元叫做First in Course,今年2018年HSC有132个科目的状元(分别来自于92个中学),可见HSC科目之多科目之杂,应该算是世界之最了。


当然在成绩分档上肯定也是最高的Band6(2unit单科90分以上)或者E4(1unit Extension科目45以上)。



1. take an average of each student's exam mark and assessment mark after alignment to performance bands, each to one decimal place

2. take an average of each student's exam mark and assessment mark before alignment to performance bands, each to two decimal place

3. if an extension course, use the marks awarded for other courses in the subject area.





快速通道开始 HSC 2018 First in Course Fact Sheet


  • 132个单科第一名证书

  • 127个状元

  • 118个HSC科目

  • 92所中学: 46所公立中学, 46所私立学校

  • 6位学生获得了双科状元

  • Sydney Grammar School(悉尼私立男校)获得了11个科目的第一名

  • 有13名状元不是12年级学生(阿朱注:12年级才是高考生,相当于中国的高三)

*Includes main schools for students taught course by Outside Tutor or at a languages schools


  • Mathematics General 2 有10名学生并列第一

  • Community and Family Studies 有3名学生并列第一

  • Mathematics 有2名学生并列第一(都是11年级学生)

  • Ancient History 有2名学生并列第一

  • Business Services 有2名学生并列第一

  • French Beginners 有2名学生并列第一

  • Indonesian Beginners 有2名学生并列第一

  • Personal Development 有2名学生并列第一

  • Health and Physical Education 有2名学生并列第一

  • Software Design and Development 有2名学生并列第一


  • 19 certificates - Saturday School of Community Languages

  • 11 x certificates – Sydney Grammar School

  • 5 x certificates - NSW School of Languages (Randwick)

  • 5 x certificates Outside Tutor

  • 4 x certificates - Pymble Ladies' College

  • 3 x certificates – James Ruse Agricultural High School, Abbotsleigh

  • 2 x certificates – Ascham School, Baulkham Hills High School, Burwood Girls High School, Chatswood High School, Elderslie High School, Mariah College, Marsden High School, Meriden School, Northern Beaches Secondary College, Northern Sydney Institute, Roseville College, St Patrick’s College, St Ursula’s College, Sydney Boys High School


  • English: 5 courses, 4 girls, 1 boy, 5 certificates

  • Mathematics: 4 courses, 7 boys, 7 girls,14 certificates.

  • Science: 5 courses, 3 girls, 2 boys, 5 certificates

  • STEM: 17 courses,13 girls, 15 boys, 28 certificates

  • Languages: 61 courses, 47 girls, 16 boys, 63 certificates – nearly half of all certificates awarded

  • VET: 13 courses, 4 girls, 6 boys, 10 certificates

快速通道结束 HSC 2018 First in Course Fact Sheet



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The students who topped HSC subjects in the class of 2018

By Jordan Baker & Nigel Gladstone

今年,Sydney Grammar School的HSC学生们表现亮眼,在新州HSC 2018的状元榜上名列第一,这所悉尼老牌男子私校在HSC从Ancient History到Chinese总共11个科目上名列全州第一。

 Pymble Ladies College则产生了四名女生状元,James Ruse Agricultural High School和Abbotsleigh分别收获了三个全州第一名。

周四早上6点,新南威尔士州2018届12年级学生紧张地等待着HSC考试成绩的公布。周三中午,新南威尔士教育标准局(NSW Education Standards Authority)在悉尼举行了一场特别的颁奖典礼,祝贺在某门科目上取得状元成绩的学生。


Sydney Grammar School的10位学生获得了11个科目的全州第一名,是今年所有学校中最多的。其中两项第一名颁给了一名Sydney Grammar School的学生Alexander Yao,他在同时在French和Germen Contunuers的两门语言科目上夺魁。

Sydney Grammar School的学生在English extension 1、Ancient History和Music 1上也获得了全州第一,同时Italian Continuers, Italian Extension, Latin Continuers, Chinese Extension, Classical Greek Continuers 和 Classical Greek Extension的第一名也是来自于Sydney Grammar School。

一所学校在这么多科目中名列全州第一是很少见的。去年,Fort Street High School的四名学生获得了六项科目的第一,而前年,Sydney Grammar School的七名学生获得当年的状元。

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Sydney Grammar School cleans up in the 2018 HSC. Standing (left to right): Richard Palumbo, Nicholas Rice, Kiran Gupta, Joshua Mok, Eric Pavlou, Alexandra Crawford. Sitting (left to right): Alexander Desmond Yao, Nathan Scotter and Jack Zimmerman. CREDIT:JESSICA HROMAS

今年有十名学生在Maths General 2科目中并列第一,而在Mathematics 1科目的专业给了sydney Boys High School的Christopher Ta和St Patrick's College, Sutherland的Ze Hong Zhou,这两位都是11年级的学生,并列全州第一。

星期六社区语言学校(Saturday School of Community Languages)的在校生中也产生了19个全州第一。

今年,四名学生在两门科目中名列第一。其中一位是来自Ascham的Eliza Fox,她同时在Biology和German Extension两个科目上夺魁。

James Ruse Agricultural High School的学生获得了三个科目的第一名,学生Raymond Li获得了双科状元,分别是Maths Extension 1 和Chemistry。

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The top three maths students (from left to right): Phillip Liang (James Ruse Agriculture School); Ze Hong Zhou (St Patricks College, Sutherland); and Christopher Ta (Sydney Boys High School).CREDIT:JESSICA HROMAS

Abbotsleigh的学生Sarah Chang在Music 2和Music extension中获得了最高分,而她的同学Jacinta Lin在Latin extension中获得了第一名。

Pymble女子学院的学生在Dance, English as a second language, Food Technology 和 Agriculture四个科目上名列全州之首。

来自Fort Street High School的John Bivell今年在Economics科目上排名新州第一,去年他在Earth and environmental science科目上也得了状元。

来自Cheltenham Girls' High School的11年级学生Emma Bui在Aboriginal studies科目中获得第一名。

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Emma Bui from Cheltenham Girls High School, topped  the subject Aboriginal Studies. CREDIT:JESSICA HROMAS



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关键词: 状元HSC第一名
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