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2019-02-21 来源: 环球时报 原文链接 评论5条





恐怖:前男友把她的裸照,发给了300个人(组图) - 1


恐怖:前男友把她的裸照,发给了300个人(组图) - 2

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恐怖:前男友把她的裸照,发给了300个人(组图) - 10

(图via Getty Images)

在国外,这种行为还专门有个词叫revenge porn(复仇色情)。外媒还专门对这类行为有过报道。

恐怖:前男友把她的裸照,发给了300个人(组图) - 11

英国真人秀节目《爱岛》(Love Island)的21岁选手Zara McDermott就曾对BBC分享过她遭遇的两次复仇色情事件。

恐怖:前男友把她的裸照,发给了300个人(组图) - 12

Zara McDermott (via Getty Images)


"I rememberhaving a total meltdownand the rest being a blur - it was a really dark time in my life."“我记得我当时彻底崩溃了,然后发生了什么都记不清了,那真的是我生命中最黑暗的时刻。”She says she wasexcludedby her school for sending the explicit image, but the boy who shared it was not.而她却被同学孤立,因为她把自己的裸照发给了别人,但那个传播她裸照的男生却没有受到排挤。"The term revenge porn wasn't around then, and girls were always seen as the ones in the wrong for sending the pictures in the first place," she remembers.“复仇色情这个概念当时还不存在,女孩子总是被认为是犯错的那一方,因为是她们把照片发给别人在先,”McDermott回忆道。The second time she found herself a victim was this year during her time on Love Island, when intimate photos were leaked supposedly by an ex-partner.而她第二次成为复仇色情的受害者是在2018年她参加《爱岛》节目期间,一个前男友故意将她的私人照片泄露了出去。The images were shared with his friends and they then surfaced online.她的照片被他在朋友间传播分享,然后还出现在了网上。"There are still people who say if you don't want this to happen, don't send a picture - but sending pictures isn't a terrible thing to do.”“仍旧有人说,假如你不想这类事件发生,你就别发送这样的照片——但发这样的照片给爱人并不是什么糟糕的行为。”

Love Island's Zara: Revenge porn victims need anonymity (via BBC)



McDermott says advances in technology have meant sending images "is a new way of having sex". (Via Love Island's Zara: Revenge porn victims need anonymity)




New research given to 5 Live by the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner shows3%of revenge porn victims surveyed had successfully prosecuted an offender.The findings also show76%of victims say they did not report their crime to the police, butnine in 10say they would have reported it if they had been assured anonymity.

(Via Love Island's Zara: Revenge porn victims need anonymity)



纽约一家律所的创始人Carrie Goldberg就是这样一位复仇色情的受害者。

恐怖:前男友把她的裸照,发给了300个人(组图) - 13

Revenge porn: 'I became the lawyer I needed' (via BBC)

After an ex-boyfriend threatened to post her naked pictures, Carrie Goldberg had an idea.在前男友向她发出曝光裸照的威胁后,Carrie Goldberg想到了一个主意。The law firm she set up targets the people behind so-called revenge porn - the non-consensual sharing of sexual images online.她所创立的律师事务所针对复仇色情背后的罪魁祸首——那些未经允许在网上发布他人裸照的人。And she's also taken the fight directly to social media and dating tech companies.她也将那些社交媒体和约会科技公司作为起诉对象。

Revenge porn: 'I became the lawyer I needed' (via BBC)

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Revenge porn: 'I became the lawyer I needed' (via BBC)

此外,另一位复仇色情事件的受害者,美国音乐人Chrissy Chambers也在历经4年诉讼后,终于在去年迎来了针对她的复仇性爱视频发布者,也就是她的前男友的官司的胜利。

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(图via BBC)


"It has affected my life in every way imaginable and I'm sure it will continue to for the rest of my life."“它影响到了我生活的方方面面,而且我确信这种影响会延续到我的余生。”During her four-year legal battle against the man - who cannot be named for legal reasons - Ms Chambers went from YouTube musician to "revenge porn" campaigner.在她针对这个男人(因法律原因无法透露姓名)的4年诉讼期间,Chambers从一个YouTube音乐人转变成为反复仇色情活动家。

Chrissy Chambers: Revenge porn almost killed me (via BBC)


I would say to other victims who maybe don't have the confidence and don't know what to do about pursuing it, that I know exactly how you feel.我想对其他受害者,那些没有勇气也不知该怎么做的人说,我知道你的感受。I've been there. There are many days where I don't feel confident to keep fighting.我也曾经是受害者。有很多日子我没有勇气将这场斗争继续下去。Justice can be served. I finally learned that there was a light at the end of my tunnel. Don't give up hope.但正义总会得到伸张。我最终知道,在我幽暗隧道的尽头有一点光。(因此)不要放弃希望。Even if it takes years you can get justice and you didn't deserve to have this happen to you.即使那会耗费你很多年的时光,你终将得到正义的审判,复仇色情本不应伤害到你。

Chrissy Chambers: Revenge porn almost killed me (via BBC)

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