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2019-05-15 来源: 环球时报 原文链接 评论2条





特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 1

Via edition.cnn.com;特朗普政府称买美国本土产品可有效避免支付关税,事实真的如此?

特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 2

Via AP

In attempting to justify his decision to raise tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese imports into the US, President Donald Trump has suggested that the best way to avoid them is not to buy Chinese-made products. In other words, just buy American, Trump argues.


On Monday, Trump tweeted: "There is no reason for the U.S. Consumer to pay the Tariffs," and that they can be "completely avoided if you buy from a non-Tariffed Country, or you buy the product inside the USA (the best idea). That's Zero Tariffs."


Via edition.cnn.com



Most of the Chinese products subject to tariffs simply aren't made in the US, including apparel and electronic components. For those few items where there is an American made alternative, there is also the problem of scalability: US companies simply lack the capacity to create the number of products that come from China. In that regard, Trump's suggestion that there is "no reason for the U.S. Consumer to pay the Tariffs" is false.


牛津经济研究院的一名首席美国经济学家 Greg Daco对CNN说,“特朗普政府的说辞有误导性”。

特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 3

 "The type of imports that we bring in from China and the scale of the imports ... make substitution, at least immediate substitution, nearly impossible."


Part of the problem is that the US no longer has the manufacturing base it once did. 


According to Robert E. Scott, senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, over the past two decades, the US has lost roughly a third of its manufacturing capacity, as more than 90,000 factories have closed and 5 million manufacturing jobs have been lost.

经济政策研究所的一名高级经济学家Robert E. Scott表示,过去20年里美国失去了几乎三分之一的制造业产能;超过9万个美国工厂被关闭,500万个制造业岗位消失。

"Entire industries no longer exist in this country," said Scott. "So it's false to suggest we can just buy American instead of paying tariffs."


Via edition.cnn.com

特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 4

Via strategyand.pwc.com


特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 5

Via AP; 特朗普政府的贸易理论不成立

TRUMP: “Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S.” 


Via AP

特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 6

Via Getty Images



THE FACTS: This is not how tariffs work. China is not writing a check to the U.S. Treasury. The tariffs are paid by American companies, which usually pass the cost on to consumers through higher prices. 


One of the theories is that the higher prices will encourage consumers to buy goods made in the U.S. or elsewhere instead. But the risk is that consumers could simply respond by spending less than they otherwise would, which would hurt growth.


Via AP


By the end of last year, the study found, the public and U.S. companies were paying $3 billion a month in higher taxes and absorbing $1.4 billion a month in lost efficiency.


Via AP


特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 7

Via Getty Images

TRUMP: “Your President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS"...


Via AP

特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 8


THE FACTS: The notion that China doesn’t buy from U.S. farmers is false. China is the fourth-largest export market for U.S. agriculture. It bought $9.3 billion in U.S. agricultural products last year.


Via AP


特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 9

Via usatoday.com;AP发现,特朗普政府关于与中国贸易摩擦的言论并不准确,充满迷惑性


TRUMP: “We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!”.


Via AP


THE FACTS: That’s wrong. When sizing up the trade deficit, Trump always ignores trade in services — where the U.S. runs a surplus with China — and speaks only of goods. Even in that context, he misstated the imbalance.


Trump is also misleading when he puts the deficit in that ballpark for many years. It’s true the imbalance has long been lopsided. But the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office notes that exports of goods to China have increased by nearly 73% since 2008 and U.S. exports to China overall are up 527% since 2001.


Nor is the trade gap a “loss” in a pure sense. U.S. consumers and businesses get electronics, furniture, clothing and other goods in return for their money. They are buying things, not losing cash.


Via AP

特朗普政府关于贸易战这些说辞,连美媒也听不下去了(组图) - 10

Via AP

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