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2019-06-14 来源: 环球时报 原文链接 评论0条




英国男子尼克·格里菲斯(Nick Griffiths),最近给远在加拿大育空地区道森市(Dawson City)小镇的市区酒店(Downtown Hotel)寄去了一截他的断脚趾。

这个英国男人给酒吧寄去了他的脚趾,用来……调制鸡尾酒?!(组图) - 1
道森市小镇的市区酒店 (图 via 网络)


这个英国男人给酒吧寄去了他的脚趾,用来……调制鸡尾酒?!(组图) - 2
格里菲斯冻坏的脚趾 (图 via 加拿大省钱快报)

他当时就保证说,会把脚趾保存好,到时候捐给市区酒店的这家名为“酵母沙龙(Sourdough Saloon)”的酒吧,用来调制当地非常有名的“酸脚趾鸡尾酒”(Sourtoe Cocktail)。

这个英国男人给酒吧寄去了他的脚趾,用来……调制鸡尾酒?!(组图) - 3
酸脚趾鸡尾酒 (图 via 网络)


The cocktail's famed ingredient is another mummified human toe.


For over four decades, tourists and residents have been able to order an alcoholic cocktail of their choice served with a desiccated human toe floating inside.


A local saying goes: "You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow, but your lips must touch the toe."


It's traditionally served with Yukon Gold whiskey, and must touch the drinkers' lips in order to earn a certificate from the bar.


▲UK man donates frostbitten toe to Yukon bar (via BBC)

这个英国男人给酒吧寄去了他的脚趾,用来……调制鸡尾酒?!(组图) - 4
酸脚趾鸡尾酒 (图 via 网络)

1973年,一位名叫迪克·史蒂文森(Dick Stevenson)的船长在育空一艘废弃的船仓里发现了一截保存完好的人类脚趾。这位脑洞奇大的船长开始拿这段脚趾头泡威士忌,还起名叫“酸脚趾威士忌”,并鼓励人们喝下这种酒。

The cocktail’s origins are said to date back to 1973, when local Dick Stevenson discovered a jar containing the amputated toe of a rum runner named Louie Liken, who had it removed after a bout of frostbite in the 1920s. Liken had preserved his toe in a jar of alcohol in his cabin.


Stevenson is said to have brought the toe to the Sourdough Saloon, where he would put it in the glasses of patrons and encourage them to imbibe on a dare. Those who took the drink became members of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club.


▲Yukon hotel robbed of mummified human toe it used to make cocktails, RCMP searching for the greedy fingers (via globalnews.ca)


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酵母沙龙酒吧的“脚趾鸡尾酒大师”特里·李 (图 via Downtown Hotel)


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顾客咬住了脚趾 (图 via 网络)

In July 1980, a miner named Garry Younger was trying for the Sourtoe record. On his thirteenth glass of Sourtoe champagne, his chair tipped over backwards, and he swallowed the toe. Sadly, Toe #1 was not recovered.


Another toe was lost in 2013 when a man deliberately swallowed it, but agreed to pay a $500 fine — that penalty has since been increased to $2,500, which the Sourdough Saloon said it intends to fine the patron with sticky fingers who ran off this week.


“Toes are very hard to come by,” added Terry Lee. “And stunts like this adversely affect the whole community, not just the Downtown Hotel. We fortunately have a couple back-up toes but we really need this one back.”


▲Yukon hotel robbed of mummified human toe it used to make cocktails, RCMP searching for the greedy fingers (via globalnews.ca)

这个英国男人给酒吧寄去了他的脚趾,用来……调制鸡尾酒?!(组图) - 7
酵母酒吧罚款告示 (图 via THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck) 


这个英国男人给酒吧寄去了他的脚趾,用来……调制鸡尾酒?!(组图) - 8
(图 via globalnews.ca)

之前咱们提到的捐脚趾的英国男子格里菲斯,2018年参加了育空北极超级马拉松(Yukon Arctic Ultra)。这是一场为期多日的冬季马拉松比赛,参赛者可以参加100英里、300英里和430英里的比赛。


这个英国男人给酒吧寄去了他的脚趾,用来……调制鸡尾酒?!(组图) - 9
格里菲斯 (图 via Nick Griffiths)


Griffiths made it home to Bolton, England, before it was clear that three of his toes couldn't be saved. He asked the surgeon if he could have the detached digits — a big toe and the two next to it. 


"I always wanted to get them to the Dawson City hotel really, so they could be recycled and reused," he said.


▲U.K. man mails his toes to Yukon bar for its 'Sourtoe Cocktail'(via cbc.ca)



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格里菲斯给酒店寄去的脚趾包裹里,还随信一封 (图 via Downtown Hotel)


Griffiths said he was relieved to hear his package arrived. It took more than a month, and he was starting to get nervous it was lost, as he kept in touch with Gerle.


Griffiths said he didn't take any special precautions when mailing the package, beyond keeping one of the smaller toes safe at home, "just in case, as insurance."


He just went to his local post office and sent it by regular mail for £6, or about $10. 


"When the [postal clerk] said to me, 'What's in the package?' I was … stuttering and didn't really know what to say. So she probably thought I was shipping a great big bag of cocaine or something," he said.


"In the end I said, 'It's got my toes in it.' And she said, 'You just need to put it on this form.'"


He wrote "novelty gift."


▲U.K. man mails his toes to Yukon bar for its 'Sourtoe Cocktail'(via cbc.ca)

这个英国男人给酒吧寄去了他的脚趾,用来……调制鸡尾酒?!(组图) - 11
格里菲斯的脚趾邮包 (图 via Downtown Hotel)


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(图 via 加拿大省钱快报)

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(图 via 加拿大省钱快报)


According to Lee, there are three toes currently in regular circulation. He said he's excited to receive the new additions, as it's been a few years since they've had a big toe.


"The big toe is the money toe. That's what it started with … a big toe," said Lee. "We usually don't get frostbitten toes. Usually, they're from gout or diabetes, or they're lawnmowers or chainsaws or accidents.... To get a frostbitten toe, that's phenomenal."


▲U.K. man mails his toes to Yukon bar for its 'Sourtoe Cocktail'(via cbc.ca)




关键词: 鸡尾酒脚趾酒吧
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