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2019-08-19 来源: 环球网 原文链接 评论8条


《新闻联播》难倒美国翻译官:满嘴跑火车...还有这些都咋翻译?(组图) - 1




The most watched daily news program in China “Xinwen Lianbo” has taken over the Chinese blogosphere after it broadcast a series of short commentary programs – but they have proven to be bad news for translators。

On Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, the newscast, broadcast on China Central Television (CCTV), was trending because of the vivid and humorous language of its segments sent audience ratings 26 percent up – the highest increase in nearly two decades。

The format of the segments has attracted a younger audience, who are now binge-watching them online like dramas。 International media outlets have also taken note of the phenomenon。

The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the BBC, CNN, Fox and others have quoted content from Xinwen Lianbo。

《新闻联播》难倒美国翻译官:满嘴跑火车...还有这些都咋翻译?(组图) - 2
Kang Hui, one of the anchors of “Xinwen Lianbo。” /CGTN GIF

However, some things have been lost in translation when the content is adapted for an English-speaking audience。 Some translators are reportedly scratching their heads over certain phrases that are expressive in Mandarin but not so much in English。

For example, how to translate “a mouth running trains” in English? In fact, it is a Chinese phrase that means “You‘re full of crap。”

To help translators and those looking to understand the Chinese culture, we‘ve tried our hand at translating a few buzzwords from Xinwen Lianbo。


Pen fan (something makes you spit out your rice) means “Laughable” or “Choke with laughter。”


Man zui pao huo che (your mouth is a runaway train) means “You‘re full of crap。”


Zha lun tai (slashing tires) – take revenge。


Yuan fu xin tai (a female who is full of complaints) – green-eyed monster。


Zhe xiu bu (loin cloth) – fig leaf。

《新闻联播》难倒美国翻译官:满嘴跑火车...还有这些都咋翻译?(组图) - 3
Gang Qiang, one of the anchors of “Xinwen Lianbo。” /CGTN GIF


Luo ben (streaking) – showing your true colors。


Man di zhao ya – beat the living daylights out of you。


He ze liang li, dou ze ju shang – benefit from cooperation and lose from confrontation。


Duo de liao chu yi, duo bu liao shi wu – you can run but you can never hide。


Tian ruo yu qi wang, bi xian ling qi kuang – those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad。

《新闻联播》难倒美国翻译官:满嘴跑火车...还有这些都咋翻译?(组图) - 4
Hai Xia, an anchor of “Xinwen Lianbo。” /CGTN GIF


Jiao di mo you – sneak away。


Qing shan zhe bu zhu, bi jing dong liu qu – nature will always take its course。

今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
看不惯我你又能怎样 2019-08-20 回复
tokie 2019-08-19 回复
英文怎么翻?不可能!就连这几天大热的反呛黑衣示威人的CNMB 翻成英文也最多只翻到 CNM。
蓝灵 2019-08-19 回复
fridge0218 2019-08-19 回复
man zui pao huo che
伽蓝听雨叹红尘 2019-08-19 回复

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