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2020-03-24 来源: 周迪麦凯 评论0条

I wanted to send a heartfelt message today to the Chinese Australian community.


We stand with you during this difficult time with the Coronavirus, and are thinking of your friends, family and loved ones in China.


新州工党领袖周迪麦凯向澳华人社区致以诚挚问候 - 1

I know you are worried.  For children, parents and grandparents, for friends and neighbours.

The bottom line is we can’t stop this virus but we can contain it and slow its spread to a point where our health system can cope.


It is simple things like washing your hands and staying at home if you’re sick. Practice social distancing and avoid any gathering that is not essential.

I know for most people it means not seeing friends, or the elderly, not being able to go to places of worship. It’s a big sacrifice we all have to make - but it’s in the interests of public health.

Labor wants our State’s response to the Coronavirus to be as strong as possible. We will keep pushing the NSW Government to give you clear health advice, translated into different languages.


And that’s advice about the things we all care about such as school closures, protecting our elderly in aged care facilities and how we can address the issues playing out in our supermarkets right now.

As the situation rapidly evolves, visit the NSW Health website for more information about the virus. You can also follow me on WeChatFacebook and Twitter for more updates.

目前情况发展迅速,以获取有关该病毒的更多资料请访问NSW Health网站。您也可以在微信,Facebook和Twitter上关注我,以获取更多信息。
I want to thank you again for your diligence in following health advice. We will get through this together.

Yours sincerely,

Jodi McKay

NSW Labor Leader

Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism


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