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2020-04-02 来源: 综合报道 评论349条



澳媒频频发难,责北京隐瞒疫情真相!总领馆发文“十问”驳斥:恶意炒作无底线(组图) - 1


澳媒频频发难,责北京隐瞒疫情真相!总领馆发文“十问”驳斥:恶意炒作无底线(组图) - 2


澳媒频频发难,责北京隐瞒疫情真相!总领馆发文“十问”驳斥:恶意炒作无底线(组图) - 3


澳媒频频发难,责北京隐瞒疫情真相!总领馆发文“十问”驳斥:恶意炒作无底线(组图) - 4


澳媒频频发难,责北京隐瞒疫情真相!总领馆发文“十问”驳斥:恶意炒作无底线(组图) - 5


澳媒频频发难,责北京隐瞒疫情真相!总领馆发文“十问”驳斥:恶意炒作无底线(组图) - 6

4月1日,中国驻悉尼总领馆发言人致信澳大利亚《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph),并在官方网站发文批驳该报近期刊发的有关新冠肺炎疫情涉华报道。

澳媒频频发难,责北京隐瞒疫情真相!总领馆发文“十问”驳斥:恶意炒作无底线(组图) - 7














Ten Questions to the Daily Telegraph from the Spokesperson of the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney

Recently the Daily Telegraph has published a number of reports and opinions about China’s response to COVID-19 that are full of ignorance, prejudice and arrogance. I have no intention of responding to individual article, but would like to ask ten questions to the Daily Telegraph:

1. Tracing the origin of the virus is a scientific issue that requires professional, science-based assessment. The origin of the virus is still undetermined, and the World Health Organization has named the novel coronavirus "COVID-19". Labeling the virus and stigmatizing China will neither alleviate certain country’s own difficulties, nor will it help the international health cooperation. So what is the real motive behind your attempt to repeatedly link the virus to China and even stating that the novel coronavirus was "made in China"?

2. Strict quarantine measures were taken in Wuhan, Hubei Province and the people of Wuhan made a huge effort and personal sacrifice to stop the spread of the epidemic. Nevertheless, in order to capture attention and gain more internet hits, you called Wuhan the "Zombieland" and Wuhan seafood market the "bat market". How low can you go?

3. The effectiveness of China's epidemic prevention and control has fully underlined the people-centred philosophy of the Communist Party of China and the strong advantages of the Chinese system. Instead of admitting and facing facts, the articles in your newspaper have wantonly attacked and smeared the CPC and the Chinese government with vicious language. Is your judgement based on the well-being of the people or do you have an ideological prejudice?

4. Since 3 January, China has been updating the WHO and the international community in a timely and transparent manner, including releasing information on the epidemic, sharing the genome sequence of the virus, and conducting medical and health cooperation. The WHO said recently that countries like Singapore and the ROK have made full use of the precious time China bought for the world and taken necessary prevention and control measures to contain the spread of the epidemic. And now in late March you are blaming China for delay?

5. China, Italy and other countries have adopted similar "city lockdown" measures at different stages for the same purpose of preventing the spread of the epidemic. But you believed that other western countries should only learn from the Italian experience because of the closest cultural and political comparison. Isn’t this a blatant example of double standards?

6. The epidemic is spreading rapidly around the globe, and China is doing its utmost to support other severely affected countries. Virus respects no borders. We should abandon prejudice and respond in unity instead of with suspicion and recriminations. Are you trying to deliberately sow discord or promote racism by fabricating the false accusation that China is responsible for the spread of the epidemic and Australia should bill Beijing for its economic loss?

7. You have repeatedly questioned the WHO’s positive assessment of China's epidemic prevention and control, but surely you know that the WHO is the most authoritative international organization in global public health, with more than 190 members including Australia?

8. In January and February, overseas Chinese communities and Chinese companies donated medical supplies to China, the then epicenter of the pandemic. As the virus spreads to other countries, they are currently actively participating in various means in the prevention and control efforts in their residing country. In this sense, their efforts correspond with those of many other individuals and companies around the world who have a sense of social responsibility. By making what certain Chinese individuals or companies did in late January a “scapegoat” for the shortage of medical supplies two month later in Australia, isn’t it too ridiculous?

9. Recently, the Daily Telegraph attended two media briefings on the epidemic held by the Chinese Consulate General. In disregard of the authoritative information provided by China and the WHO's professional opinions, you instead quoted several so-called "strategic analysts" and doubted statistics issued by China and even advocated the "decoupling theory". Were you aware that the institution where these people work have been exposed as long accepting financial support from the US government and arms dealers, and it has been keen to play up anti-China issues?

10. Your recent coverage on the epidemic in China are exaggerated, full of irresponsible rumours and highly politicized. Which begs the question: are these anti-china sentiments a part of a broader smear campaign against China? Are they from the same scriptwriter’s song sheet as some media organizations in a certain country? 

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澳媒频频发难,责北京隐瞒疫情真相!总领馆发文“十问”驳斥:恶意炒作无底线(组图) - 8

今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
MAYA_林艳 2020-04-02 回复
卡崔娜 2020-04-02
是啊,我就纳闷了,为什么美国干什么都是对的 为什么不敢指责美国 所以只有中国人团结起来,让中国更加强大,这样在世界上才能佔主导地位,我们不能让这些无耻之徒诬蔑中国
cocoLuo 2020-04-02
bsbdudnbd 2020-04-02
美国初期没有瞒报 你们说出这种吊话可以看出你家没通网 这种人死了都是添头,白死
松鼠小小 2020-04-02 回复
由衷 2020-04-02
什么算瞒报 初步接触的医生有经验 知道是新病毒 最早的病人应该也以为自己是感冒,难道那些病人和医生都有罪 不是小孩子过家家,从病毒感染到传播,然后开始引起重视到检测出结果,需要过程 中国已经做的很好了 那些西方国家才最无能,明知道后果,还是要继续冷处理 事不关己高高挂起
GGT 2020-04-02
海边的小屋 2020-04-02
thumb_sucker 2020-04-02 回复
CarterKing 2020-04-02
CarterKing 2020-04-02
谁家没有老鼠屎 其他国家过来的人就没有害群之马 不过是因为在西方大环境下摸黑中国已然成了政治正确,不黑两下对不起东家给的经费罢了
x小王 2020-04-02
今日澳洲报正面新闻有什么用 西人会看吗 还不是自己写爽文而已
renetsai 2020-04-02 回复
这家报纸就靠骂中国活着 隔三差五不骂不过瘾
Hiace 2020-04-02
新闻集团当年为进中国市场没少花钱,热脸贴了冷屁股 现在开始精准打击GCD了,默多克PK包子
悉尼xini 2020-04-02
回复 他强任他强 赵力坚先说的病毒是美国军人传到武汉的 才有美国总统说是武汉病毒肺炎的 你搞搞清楚在骂你娘
悉尼xini 2020-04-02
赵力坚先说的病毒是美国军人传到武汉的 才有美国总统说是武汉病毒肺炎的 我搞搞清楚在骂你娘
K_粒小盆友 2020-04-02 回复
Danielchen 2020-04-02
国内疫情将结束,口罩等防疫物资每天都在降价 澳洲政府不积极跟中国政府联系,大规模采购防疫物资,却在任由一些媒体破坏国家关系,撕裂社会 肮脏的政客,丑陋的政治
多动症的BB 2020-04-02
你要多少 断货 华人店大把口罩,刚刚开始的时候,澳洲药店也有卖 如果当时你把它当回事,早就有了 就是现在很多店都有口罩卖.....
土澳居民UP82I 2020-04-02

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