英王加冕仪式哈利“被消失” 将剩威廉向查理下跪(组图)
英国每日邮报导,英国王室知情人士透露,英国王储威廉(Prince William)对弟弟哈利(Prince Harry)在他的自传“备胎”(Spare)中大爆兄弟不和内幕“气炸了”;哈利已在英王查理三世(King Charles III)的加冕仪式脚本中“被删除”,意味哈利将不会在仪式中扮演任何官方角色,如果他出席典礼也只能旁观。
哈利在自传中形容威廉是他的“劲敌”,并指责父亲查理一直担心他会被梅根的好莱坞明星光环掩盖。英国王室迄今对哈利的爆炸性爆料保持沉默,不过,“星期泰晤士报”(the Sunday Times )8日报导,一名王室消息人士说,预定5月举行的查理国王加冕仪式程序,已将哈利“删除”。
Copies of the Eveni...BRITAIN-ROYALS-SPARE Copies of the Evening Standard newspaper, leading with stories about Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex's relationship with Britain's Prince William, Prince of Wales, are placed out for distribution, in London on January 5, 2023, ahead of the publication of Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex's book, Spare. - Britain's Prince Harry recounts in his new book how he was physically "attacked" by his older brother Prince William during an argument in 2019, the Guardian reported on January 4, 2023. (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP)