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2024-07-15 来源: 墨尔本博物馆 评论0条


Victoria the T. rex opens 28 June at Melbourne Museum

 邂逅澳大利亚有史以来最让人叹而观止的真实霸王龙 - 1
图片来源:Eugene Hyland。资料来源:维多利亚州博物馆。

Image credit: Eugene Hyland. Source: Museums Victoria.

世界上最大、最完整的霸王龙化石之一,作为国际巡回展览的史前明星,于 6  28 日,星期五,在墨尔本博物馆震撼展出。

One of the world’s largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex fossils is the prehistoric star of an internationally touring exhibition that opens this Friday 28 June at Melbourne Museum.

霸王龙维多利亚是有史以来澳大利亚展出的最大、最精美的真实霸王龙化石,也是维多利亚州首次展出的霸王龙化石。这场备受瞩目的澳洲独家展览将开放至 10  20 日,它将带领游客穿越至 6600 万年前的白垩纪时代,见证恐龙在地球上漫步。

Victoria the T. rex features the biggest and best example of a real T. rex fossil to ever be shown in Australia, and the first ever in Victoria. Open until 20 October in an Australian exclusive, the much-anticipated exhibition transports visitors back in time 66 million years ago, to the age of the Cretaceous when dinosaurs roamed Earth.


The centrepiece of the exhibition is Victoria’s striking and pristinely preserved skeleton. Impressive in size and completion, the fossil is composed of 199 bones, towers over us at 3.6 metres tall and spans more than 12 metres in length. Victoria’s real, immense skull – weighing in at a massive 139kg – is too heavy to be mounted on the body of the skeleton and will be displayed separately so that visitors can come face-to-face with one of the most fearsome animals of all time.

通过AR3D 投影和互动元素等尖端技术,霸王龙维多利亚让游客有机会一睹罕见而迷人的霸王龙世界。试试通过多感官装置感受霸王龙的嗅觉和视觉,不要只听它的声音——用你的灵魂去感受它!

Through state-of-the-art technologies including augmented reality, 3D projection mapping and interactive elements, Victoria the T. rex grants visitors a rare and captivating glimpse into the world of Tyrannosaurus rex. Learn how the species may have experienced smell and sight through multisensory installations, and don’t just listen to what a T. rex may have sounded like – feel it in your bones!


Victoria’s momentous arrival makes Melbourne Museum the only place on Earth where visitors can get up close to not one, but two of the finest examples of real giants from the Cretaceous. Visitors to the exhibition will also gain access to one of the world’s most complete Triceratops fossils, Horridus, who calls Melbourne Museum home and is on permanent display in the award-winning, dynamic Triceratops: Fate of the Dinosaurs.

IMAX影院Horridus 出现在一部新独家纪录片T.REX 3D》中,其中有墨尔本博物馆备受喜爱的三角龙标本和维多利亚博物馆研究所古生物学家 Erich Fitzgerald 博士现身。这部纪录片由 Sam Neill 解说,将维多利亚州博物馆搬上了全球 120  IMAX 银幕,以史诗 IMAX 3D 效果呈现了三角龙和霸王龙巅峰对决

At IMAX, Horridus stars in an exclusive new documentary, T.REX 3D, that features Melbourne Museum’s beloved Triceratops specimen and Museums Victoria Research Institute palaeontologist Dr Erich Fitzgerald. Propelling Museums Victoria onto 120 IMAX screens globally and narrated by Sam Neill, the documentary sets up a climactic battle between Triceratops and the tyrant lizard king in epic IMAX 3D.


6 29 日(周六)和 6 30 日(周日),恐龙爱好者将受邀参加开幕周恐龙派对,以庆祝维多利亚进驻墨尔本博物馆。该派对是Playbound活动的一部分。Playbound是一个全新充满活力的儿童节日,学校假期期间墨尔本市举行。 dino-mite 活动项目包括恐龙迪斯科、霸王龙面具制作、寻宝游戏、化石快闪店儿童霸王龙讲座

On Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June dino-lovers are invited to celebrate Victoria’s arrival to Melbourne Museum with the Opening Weekend Dinosaur Party presented as part of Playbound, the vibrant new children’s festival taking over the City of Melbourne these school holidays. The dino-mite events program includes a dino disco, T. rex mask making, a scavenger hunt, fossil pop-ups and T. rex talks for kids.


想要品尝更多美食的游客可以前往Dino Bites餐厅,这是墨尔本博物馆一家美式风格的快闪餐厅。游客可以尽情品尝多汁的汉堡、新鲜的沙拉、奶油冰淇淋和美味的“快乐小食Happy Bites儿童午餐套餐。餐厅还展示了一个 2.5 米长的霸王龙头骨,拍照打卡的绝佳场地

Those hungry for more can head to Dino Bites – an American-inspired pop-up diner at Melbourne Museum. Visitors can sink their teeth into juicy burgers, fresh salads, creamy soft serves and tasty ‘Happy Bites’ kids’ lunch boxes. The diner also features a 2.5 metre T. rex skull, perfect for photo mementos of your visit.



Don’t miss the world’s finest touring T. rex fossil at Melbourne Museum, Australia’s home of dinosaurs, where visitors of all ages are invited to enjoy the ever-expanding prehistoric offering including Dinosaur Walk, Gandel Gondwana Garden, and Triceratops: Fate of the Dinosaurs.



For further information visit the Melbourne Museum website.


维多利亚州博物馆首席执行官兼馆长Lynley Crosswell表示:

Quote attributable to Museums Victoria CEO and director Lynley Crosswell:


Victoria the T. rex is a monumental addition to our world-class exhibition lineup. Melbourne Museum is the home of dinosaurs in Australia, and currently the only place on Earth where visitors can see two of the finest examples of a real T. rex and a real Triceratops under one roof.’

创意产业部长Colin Brooks表示: 

Quote attributable to Minister for Creative Industries Colin Brooks:


‘We’re thrilled to welcome this exceptional T. rex fossil to Victoria in time for the school holidays, and there’s no better place for it than Melbourne Museum.’


‘Visitors of all ages have already flocked to Melbourne Museum’s Triceratops exhibition and now the Victorian Government is proud to back this ‘roarsome’ new drawcard opportunity to get up close to a real T. rex.’

维多利亚州博物馆研究所脊椎动物古生物学收藏经理Tim Ziegler表示:

Quote attributable to Museums Victoria Research Institute collection manager of vertebrate palaeontology Tim Ziegler:


‘Fossils invite us back in time, to visit immeasurable past worlds now buried beneath our feet. The world-class exhibitions now showing at Melbourne Museum, Victoria the T. rex and Triceratops: Fate of the Dinosaurs, resurrect a thriving Cretaceous landscape, and inspire awe for these mighty dinosaurs that once shook the Earth.’

维多利亚博物馆研究所脊椎动物古生物学高级馆长 Thomas Rich 博士表示

Quote attributable to Museums Victoria Research Institute senior curator of vertebrate palaeontology Dr Thomas Rich:

参观墨尔本博物馆的游客不仅可以看到世界上最精美霸王龙化石之一,还可以看到维多利亚州收藏中保存的一件相关极其稀有的化石Timimus hermani它是维多利亚州最独特的恐龙之一,可能是霸王龙的曾曾曾祖父。这件拥有 1.05 亿年历史的化石是南半球唯一毋庸置疑的暴龙类化石范例6 亿年展览中向公众展出。

‘Not only can visitors to Melbourne Museum see one of the world’s finest examples of a T. rex; they can also see a related and extremely rare fossil cared for in the State Collection: Timimus hermani, one of the state of Victoria’s most unique dinosaurs and possibly a great-great-great grandfather of T. rex. This 105-million-year-old fossil is an example of the only undoubted tyrannosauroid from the Southern Hemisphere and is on public display in the exhibition 600 Million Years.’


Victoria the T. rex

开放时间: 2024  6  28 日至 10  20

Open: 28 June – 20 October 2024

地点:墨尔本博物馆,11 Nicholson Street Carlton
Location: Melbourne Museum, 11 Nicholson Street Carlton 

Tickets: Tickets on sale now at Melbourne Museum and online

会员:$14 | 成人:$32.50 | 儿童:$18 | 优惠票:$22.50 | 3岁以下儿童:免费

Members: $14 | Adults: $32.50 | Children: $18 | Concession: $22.50 | Children under 3: Free



Tickets include general admission to Melbourne Museum featuring Triceratops: Fate of the Dinosaurs 



Victoria the T. rex Opening Weekend Dinosaur Party 


As part of the Playbound program at Melbourne Museum, celebrate the opening of Victoria the T. rex with a dino party for families that includes a dino disco, T. rex mask making, scavenger hunt and dinosaur talks for kids.


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Media enquiries please contact:  


Laura McNicol Smith维多利亚博物馆

Laura McNicol Smith, Museums Victoria   
[email protected] |电话+61 478 273 495

E: [email protected] | P: +61 478 273 495


Jacqui Wilson高级媒体和通讯经理维多利亚博物馆

Jacqui Wilson, senior media and communications manager, Museums Victoria  

邮箱 [email protected] |电话: +61 457 906 960

E: [email protected]| P: +61 457 906 960



Museums Victoria Media Team

[email protected] |电话+61 466 622 621

E: [email protected] | P: +61 466 622 621 


2024 年,维多利亚博物馆迎来了成立 170 周年的纪念。我们在讲述承前启后、展望未来的故事中所扮演的角色,依旧至关重要。

In 2024, Museums Victoria celebrates its 170th anniversary. The important role of our organisation in telling stories that connect the past and the present,
and help us imagine the future, remains as vital as ever.


邂逅澳大利亚有史以来最让人叹而观止的真实霸王龙 - 2

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