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中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅近日在同美国国务卿鲁比奥通电话时说了一句:「希望你好自为之」。如何才能让鲁比奥更好理解这句话?根据外交部官网发布的通讯稿译文,这句话被翻译为“I hope you will act accordingly”。此翻译引发网民热议,不少网民表示,「学到了」「拿本来学」。


中国外交部“神翻译”合辑!从“睁著眼睛说瞎话”到“三六九等”引爆热议(组图) - 1

2025年1月21日,美国国务卿鲁比奥(Marco Rubio,中)宣誓就职,左为副总统万斯(Reuters)



Climate change is a common challenge facing all humanity. No country canopt out or stay unaffected.



We hope the Philippines will stick to the fact, stopshadow-chasing, stop peddling the so-called “Chinese spy”, and earnestly protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals in the Philippines.

中国外交部“神翻译”合辑!从“睁著眼睛说瞎话”到“三六九等”引爆热议(组图) - 2

2024年12月11日,中国外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会。 (外交部网站)



The so-called forced labor accusation is completelyunfounded. The US chooses to enact and enforce the malicious legislation on Xinjiang and blacklist Chinese entities on the basis of false narratives. The move is designed to interfere in China's internal affairs, harm China's interests and hold back China's development.



To maintain its supremacy, the US chooses tosplit the world into tiers, granting access to countries that are “close” and barring access to “the rest.”The real purpose is to deprive developing countries, including China, of the right to make their own progress in science and development.

中国外交部“神翻译”合辑!从“睁著眼睛说瞎话”到“三六九等”引爆热议(组图) - 3

中国外交部新任发言人郭嘉昆。 (外交部)



Calling this common virus “unknown” is inconsistent with basic science andessentially fear-mongering.



We are truly glad that as one of China's most celebrated mythology novels, Journey to the West—four centuries after it was written—is now digitally transformed into a stunning video game andtaking the world by storm.

中国外交部“神翻译”合辑!从“睁著眼睛说瞎话”到“三六九等”引爆热议(组图) - 4



当地时间12月10日,加拿大外长乔利发表声明,以违反人权为由宣布对中国有关人员进行制裁。 12月11日,毛宁指出,加方自身人权劣迹斑斑,问题成堆,至今原住民仍面临系统性种族歧视和不公正待遇,非但不思悔改,反而肆意抹黑污蔑其他国家,散布所谓中国人权问题的谎言,这是典型的贼喊捉贼,倒打一耙,令世人耻笑。

Canada faces its own list of human rights issues. Its own human rights record has not been spotless. Even today, Canada's indigenous people still face systemic racial discrimination and unfair treatment. Instead of dealing with it, Canada chooses to smear and vilify other countries and spread lies about China's alleged human rights issues. This is a typical move of“thief-crying-stop-thief”and can hardly convince the world.


10月14日,毛宁就中方宣布在台湾周边海域进行军事演习一事强调,「台独」与台海和平水火不容。 「台独」势力的挑衅必然会遭到反制。中方一直致力于维护地区和平稳定,地区国家对此有目共睹。如果关心台海和平稳定,首先要做的是坚决反对「台独」。

“Taiwan independence” is as incompatible with cross-Strait peaceas fire with water, and provocations by “Taiwan independence” forces will be responded with countermeasures.



Though the US claims that it does not target China, the first topic of the summit is about China and China was made an issue throughout the event. The US islying through its teethand even the US media does not believe it.



The Philippines needs to have a clear understanding of the real intention of the US, respond to the common concerns of regional countries, avoidacting as the cat's pawfor the US at the expense of its own security interest, and quickly pull out the missile system as publicly pledged.

中国外交部“神翻译”合辑!从“睁著眼睛说瞎话”到“三六九等”引爆热议(组图) - 5

2024年3月25日,中国外交部发言人林剑主持例行记者会。 (中国外交部)

中国外交部“神翻译”合辑!从“睁著眼睛说瞎话”到“三六九等”引爆热议(组图) - 6

图为2024年8月2日,中国北京,外交部发言人林剑主持例行记者会。 (中国外交部)



Is the report a genuine reflection on US historic crimes? Or is it justa perfunctory reactionto pressure? There seems to bea continued disconnect between what the US says and what it does.



We noted the media coverage. Based on US logic, US subsidies are “investment in critical industries,” whereas other countries' subsidies are seen as “worrying unfair competition”; US exports with comparative advantage constitute “free trade,” whereas other countries' exports with comparative advantage are signs of “overcapacity.” There's a Chinese saying for that logic,“The magistrate allows himself to set fire but bans everyone else from lighting candles.”Or, to use a US expression,“Do as I say, not as I do.”




China once again demands that the Philippine side take China's concerns seriously,stop its wrongdoing before it is too late, and return to the right track of properly handling disputes through negotiation and consultation with China as soon as possible, so as to maintain the larger interest of bilateral relations and the peace and stability of the South China Sea with China.



China has made it clear many times that we are firmly opposed to Pelosi's visit. And we made it clear that once the visit is made, it would be a serious violation of the one-China principle and grave infringement on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. China will definitely take strong and resolute measures in response and all consequences shall be borne by the US side.So do not say that we have not said in advance about the implications of this incident.

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