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2023-08-24 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

玛瑙是玉髓类矿物的一种,经常是混有蛋白石和隐晶质石英的纹带状块体,硬度7-7.5度, 比重 2.65,色彩相当有层次。有半透明或不透明的。常用做饰物或玩赏用。古代陪葬物中常可见到成串的玛瑙球。玛瑙具有各种颜色的环带条纹,质地很象水晶,细腻而没有杂质,有玻璃的光泽,呈现透明或半透明的多层状,各层互相重叠,有波纹、同心、斑驳、层状等多种花纹。

Agate is a chalcedony minerals, often a mixture of opal and aphanitic quartz ribbon-like block, hardness 7-7.5 degrees, specific gravity 2.65, quite layered color. Having translucency or opacity. Often used as ornaments or play with. Strings of agate balls are often found in ancient burial objects. Agate has bands of various colors, a texture much like crystal, fine without impurities, with a glassy sheen, showing transparent or translucent layers that overlap each other, there are ripples, concentric, mottled, layered and other patterns.



Chinese ancient records, agate from the west, visible literature has three countries Cao Pi's “Agate Fu” and so on. What the ancient Chinese called the west was in fact India today. Xuanzang, too, went to India, not the geographical west. The west of modern geography, if it takes China as the coordinate, should go directly to Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries, far from it. It is inferred that agate of ancient China may have first been imported from India. Agate is also one of the seven treasures of Buddhism in many Buddhist scriptures. These also prove agate as a treasure in India has a very long history. The official historical documents of China since the Han dynasty have detailed records of the treasures presented by neighboring countries. Among them, in addition to a common hawksbill turtle, pearl, ambergris, hyacinth incense, Canaanite these precious outside, another frequency of the most common treasure is agate.


Agate can change people's mood, strengthen people's courage and enthusiasm, give people determination and strength; it can also strengthen love, promote emotional communication between couples, contribute to the happiness of the couple, can play the most dazzling glory. Agate of Northeast China. Crystal clear, and its rare varieties.


After billions of years of baptism by nature, a carved and witty stone has been formed. The maple leaves inside resemble the perfect creation of this artist, and their shape is similar to that of dolphins in the ocean. It is very exquisite and is actually an exquisite agate that can be encountered but not sought after. We welcome collectors to communicate with us, and interested parties can come to negotiate!

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