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2020-01-12 来源: 荞爸的澳洲来信 原文链接 评论3条



澳洲的山火,联合国18年前就预测过了 - 1






Significant potential impacts identified on Australasian land-based ecosystems included alteration in soil characteristics, water and nutrient cycling, plant productivity, species interactions, and ecosystem composition and function, exacerbated by any increases in fire occurrence and insect outbreaks.


Major climatic hazards arise in Australia and New Zealand from tropical cyclones, floods, droughts, windstorm, snowstorm, wildfires, landslides, hail, lightning, heat waves, frost, and storm surges.


The incidence of wildfire in Australia is expected to increase with global warming (Beer and Williams, 1995; Pittock et al., 1999; Williams et al., 2001)


Reduced rainfall in more recent scenarios would have adverse effects on productivity and increase fire risk.


Heatwaves and fires are virtually certain to increase in intensity and frequency (high confidence).

澳洲的山火,联合国18年前就预测过了 - 2



Risks include failure of floodplain protection and urban drainage/sewerage, increased storm and fire damage, and more heatwaves, causing more deaths and more blackouts (high confidence).


Production from agriculture and forestry is projected to decline by 2030 over much of southern and eastern Australia, and over parts of eastern New Zealand, due to increased drought and fire.


An increase in fire danger in Australia is likely to be associated with a reduced interval between fires, increased fire intensity, a decrease in fire extinguishments and faster fire spread (Tapper, 2000; Williams et al., 2001; Cary, 2002). In south-east Australia, the frequency of very high and extreme fire danger days is likely to rise 4-25% by 2020 and 15-70% by 2050 (Hennessy et al., 2006).


In both Australia and New Zealand, the fire season length is likely to be extended, with the window of opportunity for controlled burning shifting toward winter.


High concentrations of bushfire smoke play a role in increasing hospital presentations of asthma (Johnston et al., 2002), so projected increases in fire risk may lead to more asthma.


Some extreme events can trigger multiple and simultaneous impacts across systems, e.g., heatwaves leading to heat-related deaths, fires, smoke pollution, respiratory illness, blackouts, and buckling of railways.



Fire weather is projected to increase in most of southern Australia (high confidence) and many parts of New Zealand (medium confidence).


The climate of the 21st century would be warmer (virtually certain), with changes in extreme events including more intense and frequent heat waves, fire, floods, storm surges, and droughts but less frequent frost and snow (high confidence).


Fire during hot, dry, and windy summers in southern Australia can cause loss of life and substantial property damage.


Fire season length will be extended in many already high-risk areas (high confidence) and so reduce opportunities for controlled burning (Lucas et al., 2007).


There is high confidence that increased fire incidence will increase risk in southern Australia to people, property, and infrastructure such as electricity transmission lines.


  • Price, C. and D. Rind, 1994: The impact of 2xCO2 climate on lightning-caused fires. Journal of Climate, 7, 1484–1494.)

  • Beer, T. and A. Williams, 1995: Estimating Australian forest fire danger under conditions of doubled carbon dioxide concentrations. Climatic Change, 29, 169–188

  • Williams, A.J., D.J. Karoly, and N. Tapper, 2001: The sensitivity of Australian fire danger to climate change. Climatic Change, (in press)

  • Cary, G.J., 2002: Importance of a changing climate for fire regimes in Australia.

  • Flammable Australia: Fire Regimes and Biodiversity of a Continent, R.A. Bradstock, J.E. Williams and A.M. Gill, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 26-49

  • Hennessy, K., C. Lucas, N. Nicholls, J. Bathols, R. Suppiah and J. Ricketts, 2006: Climate Change Impacts on Fire-Weather in South-East Australia.

  • Pearce, G., A.B. Mullan, M.J. Salinger, T.W. Opperman, D. Woods and J.R. Moore, 2005: Impact of climate variability and change on long-term fire danger.

  • Cai, W., T. Cowan, and M. Raupach, 2009a: Positive Indian Ocean Dipole events precondition southeast Australia bushfires. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(19), L19710, doi:10.1029/2009GL039902





关键词: 山火预测联合国
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