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2021-11-06 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

老爸学张丰毅练健腹轮时提出要订结发钻石纪念银婚 - 1


老爸学张丰毅练健腹轮时提出要订结发钻石纪念银婚 - 2






Dad learned from Zhang Fengyi to exercise abdominal ring when proposed to set a diamond to commemorate the silver wedding

Last year, my father in a practice dance after accidentally ligaments in the village, he began to practise at home fengyi zhang health abdomen round endorsement, practice while watching TV at home, I do not know how the treasures of the company's DE facto diamond saw life culture to preach, but also see a lot of golden silver wedding custom, pulls the diamond as a memory of diamond, So he also asked us to order the final diamond for him and his mother, so we found the official website of the final diamond on the Internet and customized it for him. Now, not only does he often show their diamonds in his wechat moments, but he also encourages his friends to order diamonds to commemorate the couple's marriage.

Actually, we all know what he means.

Did his friends know what he wanted?

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