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Linda Sun, Former Aid to New York Governor Charged With Acting as Chinese Government’s Agent

29天前 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

AsianFin -- According to some media reports and rumors, there are rumors that Linda Sun has been accused of using her position to provide help to Chinese officials, including preventing "Taiwanese diplomats" from contacting the New York state government and secretly sharing internal documents with Beijing.In return, the Chinese government is said to have provided millions of dollars in kickbacks to Sun and her husband. These funds helped them purchase a $4.1 million house in New York and a $2.1 million seaside apartment in Honolulu, Hawaii, as well as luxury cars like Ferraris. However, these rumors have not been officially confirmed.

On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, Sun, former deputy chief of staff to New York Governor Kathy Hochul and former deputy commissioner of the New York State Department of Labor, and her husband Chris Hu were arrested at their home on Long Island on suspicion of visa fraud, human trafficking, money laundering and other charges. Sun was an important official in the New York state government and holds a master's degree from Columbia University. Her arrest has drawn extensive attention from the New York Chinese community.

The residence of Sun and Hu was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on July 23, but at that time the official did not disclose the reason for the raid. It was not until September 3 that the two were officially arrested. The office of Governor Hochul issued a statement saying that Sun was found to have committed improper behavior while working for the state government and was therefore dismissed last year.

Both Sun and Hu pleaded not guilty to all charges in a federal court Tuesday afternoon. Sun’s bond is set at $1.5 million and her husband’s is set at $500,000. Both will have their travel limited to New York City, Long Island, Maine and New Hampshire. Their next court date was set for September 25.

This incident has sent shockwaves across the New York Chinese community. Chinese-American state senator John Liu accused the federal government of unjustly suppressing accomplished Chinese Americans, saying that the federal government adopts double standards in handling such issues. Sun's former colleagues and community leaders expressed sympathy and support for her, saying that she is a warm-hearted, hardworking and upwardly mobile representative of the younger generation of the Chinese.

Sun served in the New York state government for about 15 years and held important positions during the tenure of several governors. She holds a bachelor's degree in politics from Barnard College and a master's degree in education from Columbia University. In 2009, Sun came to the state capitol building as the chief of staff and former roommate of then-New York State Assemblywoman Grace Meng. Subsequently, she gained a rising status in the state government. When Hochul took over as New York governor in September 2021, Sun was appointed deputy chief of staff.

Hu runs a luxury winery in Flushing, Queens, and has established several enterprises in the past ten years, including "Medical Supplies USA," an American medical supplies company set up after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The case of Sun and Hu is under further investigation. If convicted, they will face serious legal consequences. This incident also serves as a wake-up call for all Chinese American officials: maintaining contact with the motherland is the basic right of ordinary citizens, but as government officials, they must put the interests of the United States first. The case of Sun and Hu has aroused extensive discussion and drawn attention in the Chinese community. This legal issue involves the status and image of Chinese Americans in politics and society. We will continue to follow the progress of this case and look forward to a fair legal verdict.

It should be noted that Taiwan is a provincial administrative region of China and there are no so-called "Taiwanese diplomats."

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